We hit the streets of Sydney
Melanie grew up in Sydney’s Central Coast along a prime stretch of beachside. It’s a stunning view she’s always known. But when she finished high school last year, she had a sudden yearning for the bustling city life she’d yet to experience. With the dream of being a civil engineer firmly within her reach, she decided to attend the University of Technology, Sydney, to accelerate her already extensive knowledge of the course (it has been her dream for a while now). Melanie now lives across the road from her Broadway campus in Central Park’s student housing, so we caught up with her to talk all things flatmates and smelly socks left on the bathroom floor.
Flatmates: Why did you make the decision to move?
Melanie: It wasn’t easy, that’s for sure. My whole family are still living up the coast and I only get to see them during semester breaks. But the travel time to and from uni was just exhausting and was really stressing me out. Lots of kids from [up there] make the decision to stay in student housing, alongside a lot of international students. I think I’ve made the right decision in the long run.
F: What’s the best things about student housing in Sydney’s inner city?
M: It’s so easy to jump on a bus or train to get anywhere you might need to be, and most of my regular haunts are within walking distance. The city has plenty of things to see and do on the weekend and the people I’ve met so far in a similar situation have been so welcoming.

F: Yeah, we’re pretty well connected! Have there been any downsides?
M: There is always going to be that constant missing of my family and friends back home, but a lot of my friends have actually made the move to, so that’s been amazing. I also live with three international students, which has been a real cultural eye opener. One day I was walking around the apartment with my shoes on when one of the students started FREAKING OUT. Apparently it seriously disrupts the Feng Shui of the room when you’re walking with shoes on inside. But the food for dinner has been incredible, everyone loves to cook. My roommates just don’t enjoy the cleaning up part of the dinner preparing…
F: A common complaint. What would you tell someone who wanted to live in student housing?
M: They’ll find out exactly who you are and what you’re like within a week of you being there so don’t try to hide your true self [laughs]. These people are meant to be your surrogate family practically so try to get along with everyone even if your personalities clash. Oh, and people enjoy partying a lot around here so expect some noise.

F: Would you recommend Central Park’s student housing to others?
M: Absolutely. They’re clean, accessible, and filled with interesting people. You’ll certainly gain a lot of life experience by being away from home and relying on yourself.